あのアルバム Play でギター小僧を唸らせた Brad Paisley 半年も経たないのに新譜が登場しましたね。
American Suturday Night
既に Then がヒットしています。
更に次の曲が Welcome to the Future です。
彼の曲はほとんど自分で作詞作曲するので、詩は正に語りです。はっきり言って日本人には覚えにくいです。 リフレインなどが少なく韻を含んだ詩も多く英語がネイティブでないときびしーですね。
When I was ten years old,
I remember thinkin' how cool it would be,
When we were goin' on an eight hour drive,
If I could just watch T.V.
And I'd have given anything
To have my own PacMan game at home.
I used to have to get a ride down to the arcade;
Now I've got it on my phone.
Glory glory hallelujah.
Welcome to the future.
My grandpa was in World War II,
He fought against the Japanese.
He wrote a hundred letters to my grandma;
Mailed em from his base in the Philippines.
I wish they could see this now,
Where they say this change can go.
Cause I was on a video chat this morning
With a company in Tokyo.
Everyday is a revolution.
Welcome to the future.
Look around it's all so clear.
Wherever we would go and well we...
So many things I never thought I'd see...
Happening right in front of me.
I had a friend in school,
Running-back on a football team,
They burned a cross in his front yard
For asking out the home-coming queen.
I thought about him today,
Everybody who's seen what he's seen,
From a woman on a bus
To a man with a dream.
Wake up Martin Luther.
Welcome to the future.
Glory glory hallelujah.
Welcome to the future.
I remember thinkin' how cool it would be,
When we were goin' on an eight hour drive,
If I could just watch T.V.
And I'd have given anything
To have my own PacMan game at home.
I used to have to get a ride down to the arcade;
Now I've got it on my phone.
Glory glory hallelujah.
Welcome to the future.
My grandpa was in World War II,
He fought against the Japanese.
He wrote a hundred letters to my grandma;
Mailed em from his base in the Philippines.
I wish they could see this now,
Where they say this change can go.
Cause I was on a video chat this morning
With a company in Tokyo.
Everyday is a revolution.
Welcome to the future.
Look around it's all so clear.
Wherever we would go and well we...
So many things I never thought I'd see...
Happening right in front of me.
I had a friend in school,
Running-back on a football team,
They burned a cross in his front yard
For asking out the home-coming queen.
I thought about him today,
Everybody who's seen what he's seen,
From a woman on a bus
To a man with a dream.
Wake up Martin Luther.
Welcome to the future.
Glory glory hallelujah.
Welcome to the future.
Brad が10才の頃あのパックマンゲームが大流行していました。
それは最初ゲームセンターの arcade ゲームでしたがやがてファミコンゲームになります。
そのゲームをするのはとても Cool 格好良かったんです。
Brad のお爺さんは第二次大戦で日本と戦いました。
先日この Welcome to the Future のプロモビデオに使うシーンの撮影が熊本でありました。
仲の良い Charlie NAGATANIさん のお店や熊本城、高校生の和太鼓などが収録されました。
先々週は Brad がワシントンの Lincolon Memorial でやはり収録しています。
ねえやっぱり歌の意味を知る事は大事でしょ。訳するのは難しいですが歌のメッセージを理解するって立派な国際親善だと思います。 正に Brad の伝えたい事の様な気がします。